Hats off to Humaira – the latest K10 Completer.

Humaira Begum web

Humaira joined K10 just under a year ago and at that point was determined to enter the Business Administration profession but was being met with that all-too-common obstacle from potential employers; “you don’t have enough experience”. A challenging situation to be faced with by any candidate but particularly when employers don’t see the potential and give candidates that crucial opportunity to gain that very experience they’re looking for. Of course, this is precisely where apprenticeships & K10 come in.

We lined her up with a Business Admin placement with Berkeley Homes in Goodman’s Field and within 10 months, Humaira has completed her Level 2 Business Administration and has been taken on full-time by Berkeleys whilst nearly tripling her annual salary. Suffice to say, Humaira is chuffed to bits and we are immensely proud of her achievement.

Humaira Begum - web

Humaria shares her experiences with us here…

“I was very unsure about the apprenticeship at first and I didn’t feel like I was being given enough relevant work to do but I understand too that they didn’t want to overload me. In time, I was given more work to do across different departments which gave a huge boost to my confidence. From being quite shy at first, I was now interacting with people more regularly across the organisation and the positive difference this made to my confidence was really big. I’m not sure where I would be now without the apprenticeship and just want to thank all the guys at K10 for helping me get where I am today. I’m really enjoying my job with Berkeleys and now want to push on and develop. I’d love to get more involved in the technical design part of the business one day….”

Watch this space…


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