Mario Wedderburn
Age: 25
Trade: Plumber
Borough: Waltham Forest
Apprenticeship: Level 2 Plumbing and Heating
Background: Mario struggled to find sustainable employment as he was studying towards his Level 2 Plumbing Diploma and actively looking for work but was unsuccessful. It wasn’t until he completed a three-month course with The Princes Trust when he found K10 and applied.
During the Apprenticeship: ‘When I was on site with my host contractors, they went above and beyond to help me. They provided me work I needed to complete my apprenticeship to gather NVQ evidence. When I was on site with Promech and Hill Partnership they were especially supportive. We were also allowed to request work to get done and they were more than happy to check our work as if it was their own to make sure it was up to their standard. The teachers at the college were also really supportive. When they came to class, they had extra materials for us to use to make sure our work was right. They were always checking if our work was correct, if it wasn’t they would advise us how to make it better.’
‘My experience as a whole with K10 was nothing short of amazing. When I needed support, I was given it. I had to take time off at one point for personal issues and Jack, my Apprenticeship Manager, was accommodating and understanding of this. If work finished up on site for any reason, K10 immediately found my next placement so I wasn’t out of work for too long, not to delay my end date. They were very accommodating to my needs. K10 helped me get my qualification and opened so many doors for me. My experience was memorable, the projects I was working on, the opportunities I was given will make it unforgettable.’
After the Apprenticeship: Mario did not immediately start work when finishing his apprenticeship but was looking to get taken on as a plumbers’ mate to further expand his knowledge and skill set. He is now in full-time employment.