K10 have been working with Heathrow Employment and Skills Academy for some time now to modernise their delivery of their construction training. K10 have recently assigned two of our construction professionals, Angus Martyn and Peter Bannister to assist with this delivery.

Angus Martyn
Construction Lead is coordinating:
- Planning, development, delivery and monitoring of an extended apprenticeship offer, both direct and Shared Apprentice Apprenticeship scheme
- Engage Tier 1 and 2 construction employers to increase their activity with apprenticeships and construction job opportunities
- Utilise the Apprenticeship Levy effectively at Heathrow and through the supply chain

Senior Apprenticeship Programme Manager is coordinating:
- Recruitment, screening and placement of apprenticeship candidates.
- Contractor, supply-chain and college liaison.
- Co-ordination of apprenticeship placements and employment.
- Managing the apprentice’s qualification progress through to completion.