Borough: Hackney
Trade: Electrical
Qualification: Level 3 Electrical
Main Contractor: Berkeley Homes
Sub-Contractor: Hanover Electrical
Project: Woodberry Down
”Thank you to K10 for my best performance award and also to Trevor, Nick and Jack of Berkeley Homes and Tim from Hanover. They’ve all been so supportive throughout my time on site. I am enjoying my apprenticeship, and I would recommend K10 to anyone who wants a construction apprenticeship.“
Pearl Atiemoh, Electricial Apprentice
”Pearl came to us through the fantastic Hackney100 scheme and excelled in her job placement with Berkeley Homes resulting in an offer of work through K10. Her work ethic, enthusiasm and general happy attitude is a joy to see. She is a real credit to the Construction Industry and a role model for other Apprentices to follow”.
Trevor Hughes, Berkeley Homes, Development Director