“The best thing I’ve ever done”

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A massive well done to Mailyn Charrier, who completed her Business Administration apprenticeship with Hill, and is now employed full-time with the leading housebuilder as a Trainee Technical Assistant. Mailyn showed great perseverance and commitment during her apprenticeship, overcoming various challenges and bagging mini-successes regularly. A well-deserved and fantastic achievement, and a sparkling future for another former K10 apprentice!

“The apprenticeship was the best thing I’ve ever done”.

Prior to joining K10 and Hill, Mailyn studied mechanics for three years at college, but through no fault of her own, she struggled to get a job. “I wasted three years at college, as it did not lead to sustainable employment”. It was at this stage that Mailyn applied through Family Mosaic for a Business Administration apprenticeship with Hill. “For young people today, it’s hard to get a job; I felt that an apprenticeship can open doors for me”

Over two years, not only did Mailyn earn a wage whilst working and learning how to become a Business Administrator, she also gained a deep insight into the inner-workings of the construction industry. “I particularly enjoyed the real-life, hands-on experience”.

At K10, we’ve seen many apprentices gain a qualification in a trade and, because of this, progress into sustainable full-time employment. But this is not the only benefit of doing an apprenticeship. Mailyn stated that before she started she was very shy, but through working hard in a friendly environment she became more and more confident. “I am a completely different person to the girl that started the apprenticeship. Before the apprenticeship, it was a lot scarier, but now I feel my life is on track and going in a positive direction”.

The future looks bright for Mailyn. She’s taking the technical route with Hill, who are offering her the opportunity to gain further qualifications and training. Alongside this, Mailyn has also been rewarded with a huge pay rise (nearly three times her apprentice wage)! “I’m very happy with my wage now. The extra money will allow me to decorate my flat and maybe, further down the line, buy my own place”. At K10, we know that an apprenticeship can be a powerful and impactful route for young people today; Mailyn’s story is yet another example of this.

From all of us at K10, Hill, In-Training and Family Mosaic, a huge well done to Mailyn!

“I am a completely different person to the girl that started the apprenticeship. Before the apprenticeship, it was a lot scarier, but now I feel my life is on track and going in a positive direction”.

Mailyn Charrier, February 2015


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